Designer and craftivist Catherine Peters of Mint and Mama and director of the Fylde Coast Repair Cafe CIC will be hosting participants at the Art B&B for three sessions to create the perfect Blackpool tote bag! The three sessions will focus on designing your bag, printing your design making and using printing blocks from recycled material and sewing the tote.
The first session is on the 18th March 2022 at Blackpool’s Stylish Art B&B on Princess Parade between 1 and 3pm with subsequent sessions on the 25th March and 1st April at the same time and the same venue. Participation is free and you won’t need to provide anything yourself but space is limited to 10 participants so book now to avoid dissapointment.
Bookings are through Eventbrite here: The Ultimate Blackpool Tote Bag Tickets, Fri 18 Mar 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite